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Confirmation Program
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Confirmation Service
Service Hours

Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others,

knowing that you will receive from the Lord the due payment of the inheritance;

be slaves of the Lord Christ.” ~ Colossians 3:23-24.


Confirmation Students are required to complete twenty (20) Service Hours, each year of formation,

based on Catholic Social Teaching and Corporal Works of Mercy.

Service Hour deadlines:  10 Hours completed & turned in by Dec. 15, 2024 

                                          10 Hours completed & turned in by Mar. 9, 2025


Service to the Church - 10 hours 

  • Classroom Assistant for a Faith Formation class: Advance registration & regular attendance required. Contact the Faith Formation office. 1-1.5 hrs per session

  • Choir: Contact Ruth Peck, Julie Jester or Tom Wattelett. 1 hr/per Mass 

  • Go to Reconciliation: here or at another parish (30 min.per session)

  • Visit a Shrine/Write a review: Marytown- National Shrine of Maximilian Kolbe; Holy Hill, Hubertus, WI; National Shrine of St. Therese of Lisieux (Carmelite Campus, Darien IL); The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, IL; National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Des Plaines, IL (1-3 hrs)

  • Catholic Charities Gift Sunday: Assist with organizing & packing trucks after the 11:30 Mass. Parents welcome!  (2-3 hrs)

  • Set-up and tear down of Christmas decoration in church: This activity requires a student & parent team. 2 Saturdays in December and 1 Saturday in January (dates to be announced later), 9am-1pm. Contact the Parish Office 847-918-0600 to register. 

  • Stations of the Cross/Holy Hour: Attend any Stations of the Cross service or Holy Hour service during Lent (1hr/per service) 

Mass Services Requiring advance training and/or advance scheduling (no walk-ins)

  • Altar Server: Training required. Contact Dcn Andy Baker ( 1 hr/Mass

  • Hospitality Sunday: Assist w/set up & clean up, before & after Mass. Contact Anna Richardt to be scheduled ( 1 hr/per Mass

  • Lector: Advance training required. Contact Keith Kouba ( 1 hr/Mass

  • Usher or Greeter: Advance scheduling is required. Must commit to a regular schedule for the full year. Contact Jerry Simpson ( Must be in attendance for full Mass. 1hr/Mass 

  • Soundbooth Tech: Advance scheduling required. Must commit to a regular schedule for the full year. Contact Jerry Simpson ( Must be in attendance for full Mass. 1hr/Mass 


Students registered and assigned a service at a Mass (altar server, lector, choir, greeter/usher, soundbooth, hospitality)

must sign-in at the desk in the Gathering Space. Parental confirmation (initials) is also required.

Service to Family and Community - 10 hours

          Joyfully help others without being compensated

  • Nursing Home or Memory Care Unit - read to or pray with residents

  • Volunteer at a food pantry, soup kitchen, or St. Vincent de Paul Activity

  • Feed My Starving Children - www

  • Lindenhurst Park District - www Allison Tibor, Recreation Program Manager at email   

  • Gurnee Park District - www

  • Bernie’s Book Bank - www

  • Warren-Newport Public Library (HS Students only) - www

  • Equestrian Connection - Minimum age 13. For information contact  email  

  • United Way of Lake County - www

  • Lake County Forest Preserve -  www


Activities that are NOT considered service - cleaning your house, mowing your lawn, raking your leaves/shoveling snow, babysitting your siblings, general household chores, dog walking, or pet sitting (with the exception of volunteer service at a local shelter), coaching, booster club activities, fundraising, or anything you get paid to do. 

Students will keep a written log to be turned in by the above dates or earlier if hours are complete.  Logs may be turned in during any class.  Please be sure they are legible and your name is printed on them.

The above lists are pre-approved service hour opportunities.


Please contact a member of the Faith Formation staff if you are uncertain of the validity of your service before starting.


**Check the Parish Website or the weekly bulletin for additional opportunities**

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