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Altar Servers
Cross Necklace

Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the priests and deacons during Mass and other special liturgies.  This ministry is open to youth fourth grade and older.  New altar servers complete a training session and are initially assigned with more experienced servers.  Schedules allow servers to choose the Mass most convenient for them.  Altar Servers are usually scheduled for Mass per month.

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Art & Environment

Volunteers create the welcoming sacred space where we gather as a community to worship God by reflecting the themes and colors of the liturgical season.  We need individuals who are willing to help with tasks such as sewing, carpentry, plant care, floral arrangements, etc., or occasionally to launder the linens used for communion each week.  We meet most Saturday mornings.  

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Flower Arrangement
Giving Holy Communion

Eucharistic Ministers

Communion ministers distribute communion at all Masses.  A two-hour training session is required to provide spiritual background and describe our procedures.  Communion ministers are usually scheduled once per month at the weekend Mass of your choice.  Our large parish requires numerous Communion ministers, and we welcome newly interested individuals.  All Confirmed parishioners are eligible to participate.

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Choir Class

Music Ministry

The purpose of the music ministry is to give God glory and praise through music and to assist the assembly to participate in the liturgy through song.  In order to help lead our congregation in song each week, we need the help of those individuals to whom God has given musical gifts.  Those who have been given the gift to sing, to play guitar, to plays drums, or to play other musical instruments should contact Ruth Peck to find out how they may share their musical gifts for the Glory of God.

adult choir
funeral choir
Commission Pages Buttons (13).png
handbell ens
recorder ens
sound design
Image by Katherine Hanlon


The ministry of Lector is responsible for proclaiming the word of God to the faith community gathered in worship.  Lectoring is a charism for faith-building and requires some natural abilities such as proclaiming skills and comfort with public speaking.  Adults and teens who have made their Confirmation are invited to serve as lectors for our liturgies.  Guidelines for the ministry and practical training are provided on a continuing basis.  

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Ushers serve at weekend and holiday Masses by selecting the Cross and Gift Bearers, seating parishioners and guests, assisting physically disabled parishioners and guests, passing collection baskets, coordinating communion lines, and assisting guests who become sick or need assistance.  Ushers serve at the Mass of their choice.  Parishioners age 10 and up are invited to participate.

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Microphone on Sound Board

Sound Design

The sound design team mixes sound for masses and other events. They also plan, configure, and maintain the audio equipment. 

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This team works in the sound booth at Mass which runs the projection for announcements, readings, and music.  No prior experience necessary, we will train you!

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Projector Maintenance
Image by Aaron Burden


Greeters welcome those attending Mass with a warm smile and sincere greeting.  We distribute the weekly bulletin, exchange pleasantries with parishioners and visitors, and reflect our parish’s warm, welcoming spirit.  Men, women, and entire families are welcome to join.  This is a once per month commitment, and there are no meetings to attend.  

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Every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00am (following morning mass), join us to pray in front of the blessed sacrament.

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Image by Thays Orrico
Image by Igal Ness

Weekend Counting Team

A small team  gathers to count the weekend collection.

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Simbang Gabi

Simbang Gabi is a Filipino Christmas tradition. It is a series of nine dawn masses on the days leading up to Christmas. It begins on December 16 and ends at midnight on the 24th of December, when a midnight mass is held.  Area parishes rotate celebrations throughout the series.  Please watch the bulletin and website home page in November for the schedule.

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Wedding Rings

Wedding Ministry

Our ministry assists with weddings.  We meet with the couple approximately three months before the wedding to make sure that all their paperwork is in order, and help them plan their wedding ceremony. When the couple approves of the details of their ceremony, I then compose a narrative play by play which is shared with the clergy and Music Director. We assist with the rehearsal prior to the ceremony. We coordinate on the day of the wedding with the clergy, florist, photographer, videographer, bridal party, family and friends.

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Art & Environment
Eucharistic Ministes
Sound Design
Counting Team
Simbang Gabi
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(847) 918-0600 

6401 Gages Lake Road Gurnee, IL 60031

© 2025    Saint Paul the Apostle 

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