Evangelization & Spiritual Life
Men's Legacy
A Ministry of men at St. Paul the Apostle who seek to be better husbands/fathers/ brothers/colleagues/men by living the gospel every day. Fr. Ray Clennon, our founder, envisioned a community of men who knew their brothers in Christ, affirmed their faith journeys & welcomed every man that sought to foster his relationship with the Lord in their journeys. There are no evaluations, no performance reviews, no competition, no comparisons. Just room to think, laugh, & pray. Room to listen, ponder, share & contemplate in great company.
Men’s Legacy incorporates several ways for men to meet with each other – click on the links below to Find Out More about each opportunity.
It’s not about where’s you’re at, it’s about the journey ahead of you. How do you want to walk that journey? What will be your Legacy?
FORMED brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone here: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kids' programming. Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with over 100 content providers, this site reaches more than one million subscribers worldwide.
Circle of Women
We, the Circle of Women are women rooted in faith, called to share that faith with each other. The group meets monthly on Saturday mornings, from 9:30 – 11:00 A.M. at St. Paul’s lower level, 6401 S. Gages Lake Rd. Each month is a different topic, each session is separate so consistent attendance is not required. Come as you are, share with us, or just listen if that is what you need. Our cornerstones come from the word saint: safe, accepting, inclusive, nurturing and trust. Our space is sacred and what we share at Circle of Women stays at Circle of Women. All women are welcome- bring your friends!
Fireplace Talks
This event is for a large group gathering that gives adults in the community a chance to have a drink, eat some snacks, and hear an engaging talk about a topic in the Church that speaks to their lives. All are welcome. We meet every other Tuesday from 7-8:30 PM in the Gathering Space. Fireplace Talks is great for those seeking to continue to grow in their faith and for people who are “seeking” a relationship with God.
Theology on Tap
Theology on Tap is a 35-year-old Chicago archdiocesan tradition that has inspired more than 180 similar programs beyond the city, state and country. During the summer months we at St. Paul the Apostle combine as a group of 20 and over to bring one big group together at an offsite location for drinks and a theological speaker. Event times and speakers will be posted in late spring.
Contemplative Prayer
We pray together to foster a contemplative presence within our parish community. We welcome those who have a desire to deepen their spiritual lives through reading, contemplative prayer, and a small faith community experience. We meet regularly for spiritual discussion and contemplative prayer experiences. Groups meet both during the day and in the evening to accommodate various schedules.
Faith Sharing
The faith sharing group works toward understanding the meaning and the message of the Sunday Mass readings as they apply to our lives. We meet weekly to review and discuss the scripture readings for the following Sunday. Discussions are guided by Living the Word, a book for use by small Christian communities. This group includes people of all ages.
First Saturday Prayer Group
The First Saturday Prayer Group meets to pray the decades of the rosary every 1st Saturday of the month at 1:30pm in the chapel. We gather for prayer in response to the request of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the three shepherd children at Fatima to establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the salvation of souls and world peace. We sponsor activities such as retreats meant to bring us closer to God and fundraisers meant to help those in need.
College-Age Ministry
Interested in going deeper into your Catholic Faith?
Have questions about why the Catholic Church teaches what she does?
Looking for friends with like-minded peers?
Come join a group of your peers and explore the teachings of the Catholic Church with us.
Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals
We are a community of business people and professionals
committed to living out Christian values and being change agents in the marketplace.
We accomplish this through a process of on-going personal conversion, a commitment to professional excellence, community, and nation-building, the practice of justice and integrity, and responsible care for all entrusted to us.
Meeting at the Lower Level very 4th Saturday of the month at 9am-11am (prayer, free breakfast and witness talk)