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Weekly message
from Fr. Chris

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What's new?


January 12, 2024

Dear SPA Family,
Whenever I meet my friends I like to say, "What's new?" It has only been a couple of weeks since Christmas, so if I were to ask you, "What's New?" you would probably have a lot to tell me about.
All of us like new things, don't we? Don't we just love the look and feel of new clothes? Well maybe children don't get as excited about new clothes as we adults do, but I am sure they get excited about new toys! They have probably spent hours playing with the new toys they received for Christmas.
We are at the beginning of a new year. Some people like to make New Year's resolutions or promises to themselves about what they plan to accomplish in the new year. The number one resolution that people make is, "I am going to lose weight." I don't think too many people succeed, since it seems to be the number one resolution year after year.

New Year is a time that we can forget our past mistakes and look forward to new opportunities that lie ahead of us. It is a time of new beginnings. It is a chance to start over. It is a time to try to do things better than we did last year.
Jesus experienced times of new beginnings in his life too. One of those times was when he was baptized. I wonder how many of us celebrate the anniversary of our baptisms? How many of us even know when we were baptized?
There were a couple of very important things that happened when Jesus was baptized. First of all, the Bible tells us that the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove and landed upon him. The second thing was that God spoke and said, "You are my Son. I love you and I am well-pleased with you."
This event marked the beginning of Jesus' ministry here on earth. Up until that time, he had not performed any miracles, but with God's stamp of approval and with the spirit of God upon him, Jesus began to perform great miracles.

Our own baptism represents a new beginning for us as well. God may not always be well-pleased with us, but I think that He looks down with an approving smile when he sees us trying to walk with Jesus.
Our baptism was like an official adoption ceremony. God’s been proud of us from the very beginning when we became his children because that is what he wants us to be.
And like a good Father - or a good Mother - God is there to help us do all the other things he asks us to do - things like loving our family members and our neighbor - and forgiving and helping one another - and sharing the good things that he gives us with those who are in need.
Wouldn't you like to be the kind of person that would cause God to look down from heaven, as he did with Jesus, and say, "My child, I am proud of you?"
I would like to be like that - and every day I try to be, knowing that God loves me and is there to help me be the kind of his child he wants me to be.
Have a blessed weekend. Fr. Chris



January 5th, 2024

Dear SPA Family,
Isaiah had foretold that "all the ends of the earth will behold the salvation of our God."
Now, on the Epiphany, the light from the skies is strengthened a hundred, a thousand fold and the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that "nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance."
To the amazement of all in that region, there come foreign camels bearing foreign scholars – wise men – kings! Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh!
What courage and perseverance those strangers have shown, to brave the dangers of travel, skepticism, and political intrigue. But they found what they were looking for.
That star gave trustworthy guidance and now triumphantly shines as guard over the lowly dwelling wherein rests the child who possesses all meaning.
They fall to their knees in homage, for their learning has made them humble, and their wisdom leads them to recognize the Divine in the fragile flesh of a child.

What a silent Adoration! What loving glances they exchange with Mary and Joseph!
But for all their simple faith, their wisdom is sharp enough to detect the sham delight and murderous intentions of the wily Herod. And so they pay their respects, leave their gifts, and modestly depart for their homeland, sorrowfully aware of the terrible price justice must pay for Peace.
Their role in history has been accomplished – to teach us all to follow the guidance of the Almighty, to accept our own role as Bearers of the Light, and to follow this Christ into His Mission, to partake of His Passion, and to join the millions through the ages who will preach His Gospel of universal salvation.
The Son of God is the one Judge and Arbiter of Truth and the one Source of Light, but we are all called to be "epiphanies," providing glimpses of that Truth, showing the way in our own small spots of time and circumstance to a larger plan and destiny.

O princely Child make of us all, wise men, courageous women, obedient children who will follow wherever You lead us. That means being faithful to prayer, diligently reading articles and booklets about our faith, sharing what we learn with others, taking part when possible in prayer and study groups.
This is the way for us to be light-bearers, lighting up the darkness and confusion in the world in which we live.
Have a blessed weekend. Fr. Chris

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