Among the many wonderful evangelization and catechetical ministries we have here at St Paul the Apostle, our RCIA program is perhaps the one most directly supporting the great mission of the Church - the building of God’s Kingdom on Earth.
Christ instituted the Church and gave us the Sacraments to be the vehicles for our pilgrim journey to his Kingdom in Heaven.
RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, is a journey of faith formation leading adult men and women into a deeper relationship with Christ - preparing them to come into full communion with His Church and receive the Sacraments of Initiation.
So, RCIA is for those adults who are seeking to be baptized… as well as those already baptized in another Christian tradition who seek to be Catholic. It is also for those baptized Catholic adults who have not yet received, and desire to receive, the other Sacraments of Initiation: Confirmation and Eucharist.
As baptized Christians, we all share in this mission: to build up God’s Kingdom on Earth. So, even if you, yourself, don’t fall into one of these categories of people seeking full initiation and communion with the Catholic Church, it’s likely you know people who do - your spouse or fiancé, your adult son or daughter, a parent, a sibling, a friend or neighbor, a coworker or classmate. Most people who have gone through RCIA and are now active members of our faith community were led to RCIA by a trusted Catholic in their lives.
And, so, we appeal to you to boldly approach each and every person you know who might benefit from joining our RCIA program:
Tell them what being a practicing Catholic and participating in the Sacraments means to you.
Invite them to consider exploring RCIA at St Paul.
Hand them a bulletin or show them our website with our contact information.
Then have them call or email our Parish Office (or Deacon Bob directly at deaconbob@saintpaultheapostle.church) to request more information about RCIA and how to register.
Our weekly classes will begin in late September... and will run until April 16 when the Sacraments of Initiation will be celebrated at the Great Easter Vigil.
Please do your part now to fill our church with new and renewed Catholics... as we rejoice together with them as the Kingdom of God... His pilgrim Church on Earth!